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Casa de Puros BV

Knokkestraat 12 

8301 Knokke Heist


Tel: +32 50 62 36 66

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Tabakstop is a free service that you can use if you want help to stop smoking.

By calling 0800 111 00 you can get in touch with a professional tobacco expert!

The team behind Tabakstop consists of 31 tobaccoologists, spread over the three regions of our country. They include psychologists, doctors and nurses, all with an extra degree in "Tobaccoology and smoking cessation counselling".

Do not hesitate to contact them. These understanding and patient counsellors can be reached free of charge on 0800 111 00 and will help you to stop smoking.

Tobacco Stop was founded in 2004 with the support of FARES and is a service of the Foundation against Cancer. It is co-financed by the Flemish Community and the Common Community Commission of Brussels-Capital.
